
Soda vs. Water: A World of Difference
Posted By: Devang | Posted in: Blog | 08 May,2014 11:17 am

And we know-life is all about choices. Yet so often we don't always choose what is best for us-rather what we want or are craving. But think about this as you go about your daily intake of fluids. If you drink two 12-ounce sodas every day for 1 month you will drink about 5 pounds of sugar and more than 8,000 calories. The average person would have to walk about 100 miles to burn that many calories.

I don't know about you, but the motto is "a penny saved is a penny earned" rings true for most of us. The cost of sodas, alone, should be enough to deter many people from indulging. The health benefits of water vs. soda should eliminate the rest of the argument. Most of us are not particularly excited about carrying around 5 extra pounds of sugar- But this fact is a huge motivator when it comes down to personal choices.

So let's declare our loyalty to Team Blue! The obvious choice. What team will you be on? Red for Soda or Blue for Water???

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